Children Succeed at School

Effective Tips on How to Help Your Children Succeed at School

Providing effective support for your children in the competitive and high-pressure nature of the school can be tricky. Parenting strategies should promote learning strategies that are creative and effective enough to help the children succeed.

School success is not all about high grades. Essentially, success in school is how your child retains information, learns how to learn, asks questions, develops a remarkable sense of competence, and thinks independently.

This article will give you some of the guidelines to help you be confident at ease as your child goes to school.

Value goals over grades

Set goals individually as well as a whole family at the beginning of the school year. Lead a discussion that is light and offers less pressure on them. Furthermore, keep in mind that the process is about supporting each other for learning as a family first before getting better grades.

Break the goals into short-term ones. Instead of setting a goal wherein “I’m going to be in the top 5 this semester”, which can be too large and difficult, go for “I will set more study time this week,” or it could be “I will seek help for more online tutoring regarding the Trigonometry lesson this week.”

Put in mind that we can’t get our kids to chase the goal unless they see us do the same. Thus, as a parent, enroll for some cooking lessons or any activity that you always wanted to do before and be an example.

Additionally, before setting up new goals, get through how everyone in the family did the latest goal. If someone happens to fail to meet the goal set, ask why they then plan for a different approach next time. On the other hand, if someone succeeds, don’t delay the celebration of achievement.

Value the process over the product

Children, even at a very young age, are driven to explore and learn. As they attempt to fly and fall again, they grasp a heightened sense of improvement and self-efficacy. This process is commonly being devalued, and that they prioritize more on the end products.

It happened that the in-depth motivators of awakening curiosity, self-efficacy, and competence were discarded and were changed with points, stickers, and grades. These were observed to undermine the desires of the children over a long period.

Instead of giving much attention to their grades, shift to keeping your kids curious and hungry for competence, independence, and self-efficacy. Below are some tips to start.

Focus on the effective ways they did to get that high grade

Place your focus on asking how your children got the grade and support them in subjects where they need assistance. Help them find alternative solutions and shift your praise to the process, not on the number in the report cards.

Keep the report cards off the refrigerator and social media

Stop gushing about your kids’ grades and show them that you value the process over the result. Focusing on the result mainly encourages cheating and, in the long run, discourages the kid from continuing to make an effort.

Hence, no matter how high or low your children’s grades are, stop bragging and keep them motivated. This keeps them from thinking that your love depends on their grades solely.

Always look forward

Once your child garnered a high or low grade, be ready to ask them the question, “How are you going to use this experience next time?” This helps them keep their focus on the process, which reduces anxiety and obsession with getting a high grade.


Education and parenting are a long and interesting adventure. As a parent, keep in mind that improvements don’t just happen overnight.

Reduce the pressure on your children by not over-scheduling, praising the techniques they did to get higher grades, and not comparing your kids to others.

These show that your full support is always with them through ups and downs since the family greatly influences every child’s life.

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